As I look over the last 360+ days of 2009, I realize just how far I have come in such a short time. This year was filled with amazing experiences and life changing moments and I thought I could post my last blog of 2009 by recapping some of the highlights of the past year.
In January, with my weight tipping the scales at about 188 lbs., I decided to get off my fat ass (literally) and start to do something about it. Since then, I have lost 33 lbs and have less than 20 to go! I am so proud of myself for the progress I have made!
In March, Luis asked me to be his wife! He proposed to me amongst tons of flowers and candles and told me he couldn't live the rest of his life with out me. Of course, I said YES! It was the happiest day of my life and now 2010 will be full of wedding planning!
In May, my wonderful parents threw Luis and I a little engagement party (just 80 people! lol!) and I was truly overwhelmed bu the amount of love that my friends and family had for us.
In May, we also headed out to a Dodger game with a ton of my family and of course, the Brunette Mafia =)
In June, my great friend Amanda welcomed her beautiful baby girl Daylin Alicia into the world!
In June, I also supported Luis' decision to try out for the Team Quest Pro MMA Team, something that he had been wanting to do for a long time and I stood beside him with tears in my eyes as he was told he had made it. I was, and still am, so proud of Luis and all his hard work!
In August, Luis and I both turned 27. A few weeks before our birthday we got matching tattoos on our ribs. We fell in love with the Latin phrase "Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amor" which means "Now I know what love is" and we wanted to do something to show our journey in love and our dedication to each other.
September and October were full of wedding festivities for my cousin Kristen's wedding. The months were filled with bridal showers and a great bachelorette party!
In November, Luis and I were a part of Kristen and Ben's wedding and we had a great time celebrating with our friends and family.
After the wedding, Luis and I took off to Playa del Carmen, Mexico to spend 8 perfect days relaxing on the beach! We fell in love with the city and are definitely going to go back!
I also went to the midnight showing of New Moon with my favorite fellow Twilight-ers! And of course, we all went in our Twilight tee shirts too!
My cousin Mo, Kristen, and I also spent a ton of time planning our family's Annual Adult Christmas Party and it went off perfectly!
Thanksgiving was spent at my Aunt Gaby's house with the best family a girl could ask for! I am so thankful for our big family and being surrounded by so many loved ones!
December was jam packed with Christmas parties and precious time spent with family and friends
Luis and I also went ice skating for the first time together and had such a blast! I am so lucky to have someone like Luis in my life who I am able to share so many experiences with!
But for me the best day of 2009 is going to be December 31st. Five years ago on New Years Eve, Luis and I met, and we both knew that this was it. We had found the person we were going to spend the rest of our life with and grow old with. I knew he would be the father of our future children and I knew that he would always stand beside me through good times and bad. This year we will celebrate that day together with amazing friends as we commemorate the end of 2009 and welcome with great anticipation, the beginning of 2010! May this next year bring you all countless blessings and joy! Happy New Year!!!
It made no sense when he looked at me that way.
Like I was the prize, rather than the outrageously lucky winner ♥
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ice Skating
Saturday night Luis and I had a pretty awesome date night! For a few weeks in the winter, Old Town Temecula was home to an outdoor ice skating rink, and Luis and I thought it would be a fun thing for us to do together, since we both had never ice skated. Turns out, we weren't that bad! Luis only fell once and I didn't fall at all *pats myself on back*. It was really cold that night so it made it feel even more like Christmas =)
I'm a pretty lucky girl <3
I'm a pretty lucky girl <3
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It's Time to Give Back
I am a lucky girl. I have an amazing family, a warm place to sleep every night and I don't have to worry about where my next meal will come from. But I realize that not everyone has these luxuries that we so often take for granted. So I've thought of a way that I could give back. I don't have a lot of money, I can't adopt 100 children or feed the homeless everyday, but I can take a hobby and turn it into a way to make people feel just a little more cozy at night.
When I was in college at Cal Poly Pomona, I used to commute about 60 miles each way to go to class. Thankfully, my Tia Gaby lived just 10 minutes away from my school, so I would often times stay the night there if I didn't want to make the long trek home. On the nights I stayed there, my Tia would teach me how to crochet and I loved doing it and more than anything, I loved that my great grandmother Mami Chayito taught her and she was passing her knowledge down to me. Lately I have been crocheting a lot... I'm not great, but I do make a pretty awesome scarf! Basically, at this point I can't make anything that isn't a rectangle or a square but I am determined to learn! I am also determined to use this to give back.
So my plan for 2010 is to start a non-profit organization. I will make scarves, blankets, eventually beanies mittens, and socks and pass them out to homeless shelters and those who are less fortunate. I realize I'm not curing cancer but if my scarf can keep someone warm at night while not having to spend a dime on it, then I have accomplished my goal. So all you crafty people out there who already crochet, or those of you who want to learn (I PROMISE its very easy!) I encourage you to help me in this endeavor. Let me know if you would be interested in helping in anyway, whether it be actually making some pieces over the year, or just donating some yarn. I will be getting all the details set up over the next few weeks so I will keep you all posted!
Now, I just have to come up with a cute name!
When I was in college at Cal Poly Pomona, I used to commute about 60 miles each way to go to class. Thankfully, my Tia Gaby lived just 10 minutes away from my school, so I would often times stay the night there if I didn't want to make the long trek home. On the nights I stayed there, my Tia would teach me how to crochet and I loved doing it and more than anything, I loved that my great grandmother Mami Chayito taught her and she was passing her knowledge down to me. Lately I have been crocheting a lot... I'm not great, but I do make a pretty awesome scarf! Basically, at this point I can't make anything that isn't a rectangle or a square but I am determined to learn! I am also determined to use this to give back.
So my plan for 2010 is to start a non-profit organization. I will make scarves, blankets, eventually beanies mittens, and socks and pass them out to homeless shelters and those who are less fortunate. I realize I'm not curing cancer but if my scarf can keep someone warm at night while not having to spend a dime on it, then I have accomplished my goal. So all you crafty people out there who already crochet, or those of you who want to learn (I PROMISE its very easy!) I encourage you to help me in this endeavor. Let me know if you would be interested in helping in anyway, whether it be actually making some pieces over the year, or just donating some yarn. I will be getting all the details set up over the next few weeks so I will keep you all posted!
Now, I just have to come up with a cute name!
It's always something
Luis came home with a black eye last night..... It looks worse in real life..
He's still cute though =)
He's still cute though =)
Sunday, December 20, 2009

But they were entirely way too expensive for me to seriously consider buying. I'm cheap remember? Its not that I didn't have the money, I just couldn't imagine spending so much on shoes, regardless of how much I loved them. So I started putting money away into my savings account with the hope that when I had enough, they would still be there. I finally had some extra cash saved and went to Macy's praying that they were still there, and to my surprise they were! And on sale for 25% off AND the sales clerk gave me another 20% off. So my $120 shoes cost me $70 bucks out the door! I was so proud of my amazing shoes at an even more amazing price. I especially love wearing them with skinny jeans! Check 'em out for yourself =)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh Blackberry, how do I love thee, let me count the ways....
I FINALLY got my Blackberry. Being as cheap as I am I waited until I was eligible for an upgrade and fortunately Sprint was having a huge promotion at the time and offering buy one get one free for 50 bucks! So Luis and I joined the rest of the world and got BB's and we absolutely love them! Did I truly live before it??? Ok maybe thats a little dramatic but seriously this phone rocks! Once I figure out how to blog from my phone I'll be a bloggin' machine!
Here We Go Again
The last two and a half years of Luis fighting have been interesting. We've had several trips to Urgent Care and more bumps and bruises than I care to even try to count. But, like I always tell everyone, he just loves MMA so I try to hide my frustration when we have to make yet another late night trip to get stitched up. Last night, he came home with that same look on his face, like the cat that ate the mouse.
I said "UGH, not again" (like I always do) and he said "Eh, its not that bad" (Like he always does).
Except this time, it wasn't that bad. Just a cut under the chin from getting kneed. Not that deep but just split wide. For some reason, the cuts on the chin (this is his second there in about 4 months) seem to split very wide. Probably because the skin there is pulled tight? Who knows, but nevertheless it didn't warrant a visit to our local Urgent Care. Just a little super glue (yes you heard that right) and some butterfly bandages fixed this boo boo right up =). Thank goodness I have the stomach to handle some blood, but I'm hoping I don't have to see it for a very long time (knock on wood!)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Basics
I have been known to be cheap, but I like to shop and I like to look my best. However, I don't like to spend money unless I absolutely have to and I will shop at TJ Maxx, Marshals and Burlington Coat Factory before I hit any department stores. I think there are a few staple pieces that every woman should have and should budget to spend a pretty penny on. These can be mixed in with inexpensive trendy pieces that can be worn for a while and then tossed without the guilt. Today I had a conversation with my cousin about what every woman should have in their closet at all times and here is what we came up with...

1. A great pair of dark jeans that make your butt look amazing and make you feel great. I love dark jeans because they are great for everyday, are super flattering and can be thrown with heels and a top to go out on the town. Whichever brand you like whether its Seven For All Mankind, Joe's Jeans or Banana Republic, every woman should invest in a good pair that will last forever and keep their shape
2. Slacks. Every woman should have the basic colors, brown or tan, black and navy. They are great for work and play. A great pair can make you feel sexy and sophisticated. I love Slacks from Express or the Limited.
3. A classic white dress shirt. Like the slacks, you can wear it to work and on a casual day too.
4. A great suit, either pants or skirt, preferably one of each. Like the slacks, a few different basic colors is best. Even one with a nice pinstripe for an added touch. You never know when an opportunity will present itself and should an interview pop up you should always be prepared. A dark suit is always appropriate and can be matched with something a little trendy to show off your personal style. In my opinion the suit should be properly tailored to fit like a glove. Its worth the extra money to make it look clean and sharp.
5. A LBD. Whether its strapless, one sleeved, long sleeve, backless or V-neck it should make you look and feel your best. At least 3-4 times a year, a woman will stress about what to wear to a Christmas or New Years Party, a cocktail party, a jazz concert or just a date with their man and it's conforting to know that they have their go-to dress and some shoes and accessories can give it an entirely different look.
6. A nice wool coat, no matter where you live. 3 years ago, my mom bought me a beautiful camel colored wool and cashmere calf length coat from Banana Republic. I loved it but I thought I would never get any use out of it. Boy I couldn't have been more wrong. I've worn it every winter and I absolutely love it. Whether its a long or short coat, camel or black every woman should have one (or two!)

7. Heels. Real leather and good quality. My mom always stressed to me the importance of wearing good shoes and taking care of my feet and I never ever where cheap shoes. TJ Maxx and Marshals have great deals on good quality shoes that are super cute. I almost always get my shoes from there! Heels can be worn with jeans, work clothes and even that LBD! A great pair of black and tan or brown is definitely necessary. And those who know me, know that I am a sucker for a platform, peep toe high heel shoe!
I think having these basics can make everyday dressing and special occasion dressing easier and a little bit more interesting because all an outfit needs is a trendy top and great accessories. So stop spending a fortune on cheap clothes and invest in some good quality pieces that make you feel super sexy!

1. A great pair of dark jeans that make your butt look amazing and make you feel great. I love dark jeans because they are great for everyday, are super flattering and can be thrown with heels and a top to go out on the town. Whichever brand you like whether its Seven For All Mankind, Joe's Jeans or Banana Republic, every woman should invest in a good pair that will last forever and keep their shape
2. Slacks. Every woman should have the basic colors, brown or tan, black and navy. They are great for work and play. A great pair can make you feel sexy and sophisticated. I love Slacks from Express or the Limited.
3. A classic white dress shirt. Like the slacks, you can wear it to work and on a casual day too.
4. A great suit, either pants or skirt, preferably one of each. Like the slacks, a few different basic colors is best. Even one with a nice pinstripe for an added touch. You never know when an opportunity will present itself and should an interview pop up you should always be prepared. A dark suit is always appropriate and can be matched with something a little trendy to show off your personal style. In my opinion the suit should be properly tailored to fit like a glove. Its worth the extra money to make it look clean and sharp.

6. A nice wool coat, no matter where you live. 3 years ago, my mom bought me a beautiful camel colored wool and cashmere calf length coat from Banana Republic. I loved it but I thought I would never get any use out of it. Boy I couldn't have been more wrong. I've worn it every winter and I absolutely love it. Whether its a long or short coat, camel or black every woman should have one (or two!)

7. Heels. Real leather and good quality. My mom always stressed to me the importance of wearing good shoes and taking care of my feet and I never ever where cheap shoes. TJ Maxx and Marshals have great deals on good quality shoes that are super cute. I almost always get my shoes from there! Heels can be worn with jeans, work clothes and even that LBD! A great pair of black and tan or brown is definitely necessary. And those who know me, know that I am a sucker for a platform, peep toe high heel shoe!
I think having these basics can make everyday dressing and special occasion dressing easier and a little bit more interesting because all an outfit needs is a trendy top and great accessories. So stop spending a fortune on cheap clothes and invest in some good quality pieces that make you feel super sexy!
The Knot!
I am officially a Knottie! I was lurking on the website The Knot for the last few months and I finally posted my first discussion on the board =) Wedding planning here I come!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Things that bug me at the gym
I spend a lot of time in the gym, about 10 hours a week, and as a people watcher, I have noticed some things that really bug me about one of my favorite places to go. Here is a random assortment of things that just irk me:
1. If I have my Ipod in, that usually means I don't want to talk... so please don't try to strike up a conversation.
2. Please wear deodorant and bathe... there is nothing worse than working out next to someone who stinks. I realize its a gym but please do your best to be clean and odor free.
3. Put your weights away. Its not THAT hard and hey, you burn extra calories walking them back to their spot =)
4. Put your phone down. There is no way you can get the best workout possible if your chatting on the phone while on the elliptical. If you don't need the workout, get off the machine because someone else probably wants to use it.
5. Stop hitting on people there, really its old and very cliche. There is a difference between a casual conversation and a blatant pick up and most women can tell the difference so just let us get our workout in without having to reject you. Oh, and another thing, stop checking us out in the mirror... WE CAN SEE YOU!
6. Grunting. Really? Is it necessary? Last time I checked my gym was not jam packed with bodybuilders and I'm pretty sure you should probably be putting that energy into your lifting, not your mouth.
7. I am guilty of sweating A LOT. And since I am aware of this, I wipe down every machine after I use it and I even bring an extra shirt with me just in case I need to change. So please, don't sweat all over a machine and then walk away before wiping it down.
8. The narcissist. Don't flex your muscles in the mirror right after working them out. Your abs will not look noticeably different after one set of crunches. Save that for the mirror at home.
9. The guy that goes around and tries to tell people, particularly women, how to workout... and the guy at my gym, is fat. Seriously dude? I wouldn't take financial advice from a poor person, I wouldn't take marriage advice from an adulterer and I most certainty would not take fitness advice from a guy with a beer gut. If I have a question, I'll ask someone who looks like they work out.
10. Those people who think they are the shit. Check your ego at the door please, we are all here for the same reason.
So those are just a few of my pet peeves about the gym... I'm sure I will have more as time goes on.
1. If I have my Ipod in, that usually means I don't want to talk... so please don't try to strike up a conversation.
2. Please wear deodorant and bathe... there is nothing worse than working out next to someone who stinks. I realize its a gym but please do your best to be clean and odor free.
3. Put your weights away. Its not THAT hard and hey, you burn extra calories walking them back to their spot =)
4. Put your phone down. There is no way you can get the best workout possible if your chatting on the phone while on the elliptical. If you don't need the workout, get off the machine because someone else probably wants to use it.
5. Stop hitting on people there, really its old and very cliche. There is a difference between a casual conversation and a blatant pick up and most women can tell the difference so just let us get our workout in without having to reject you. Oh, and another thing, stop checking us out in the mirror... WE CAN SEE YOU!
6. Grunting. Really? Is it necessary? Last time I checked my gym was not jam packed with bodybuilders and I'm pretty sure you should probably be putting that energy into your lifting, not your mouth.
7. I am guilty of sweating A LOT. And since I am aware of this, I wipe down every machine after I use it and I even bring an extra shirt with me just in case I need to change. So please, don't sweat all over a machine and then walk away before wiping it down.
8. The narcissist. Don't flex your muscles in the mirror right after working them out. Your abs will not look noticeably different after one set of crunches. Save that for the mirror at home.
9. The guy that goes around and tries to tell people, particularly women, how to workout... and the guy at my gym, is fat. Seriously dude? I wouldn't take financial advice from a poor person, I wouldn't take marriage advice from an adulterer and I most certainty would not take fitness advice from a guy with a beer gut. If I have a question, I'll ask someone who looks like they work out.
10. Those people who think they are the shit. Check your ego at the door please, we are all here for the same reason.
So those are just a few of my pet peeves about the gym... I'm sure I will have more as time goes on.
How do you find a Passion?
I think I've discovered that I don't really have a specific passion. Luis is lucky enough to have found 2. He played soccer for most of his life and was very good. He was nationally ranked in High School and played College soccer. He quit soccer about 2 years ago when he found a new passion in MMA. He is so incredibly dedicated, training about 30 hours a week and making sacrifices to do what he loves. I am very proud of him, but I do envy the fact that he is so passionate about something.
I don't really have anything that I am that passionate about. I like to do a lot of things but I wouldn't say I have a true passion. I think I should try and find something that I could devote such time and energy into. But how? Luis didn't go out looking for a passion, he just stumbled upon it. So I'm thinking that I need to dig deeper into the things I like to do to see if I can zero in on something that really gets me excited. I really enjoy working out, testing my body and my mind so I'm thinking I should try things that are physical. Maybe a triathlon, or long distance cycling or maybe even try my hand at boxing or Muay Thai on a more serious level. To me this seems like a good way to kill two birds with one stone since I am really trying to get into really good shape. So I am on a quest to find something that I am truly passionate about. Hopefully, I find something soon =)
I don't really have anything that I am that passionate about. I like to do a lot of things but I wouldn't say I have a true passion. I think I should try and find something that I could devote such time and energy into. But how? Luis didn't go out looking for a passion, he just stumbled upon it. So I'm thinking that I need to dig deeper into the things I like to do to see if I can zero in on something that really gets me excited. I really enjoy working out, testing my body and my mind so I'm thinking I should try things that are physical. Maybe a triathlon, or long distance cycling or maybe even try my hand at boxing or Muay Thai on a more serious level. To me this seems like a good way to kill two birds with one stone since I am really trying to get into really good shape. So I am on a quest to find something that I am truly passionate about. Hopefully, I find something soon =)
Friday, December 4, 2009
So I have been a little MIA on my blog and I'm starting to feel a little guilty. Ever since I got back from Playa del Carmen and getting through Thanksgiving, it has been hard for me to get back in the routine of things. So here is my little blog for now. Playa Del Carmen was abolutly amazing. We could not imagine a better way to spend a romantic 8 days together. We spent the entire time relaxing on the beach and talking about our future together.
This was my view for the whole trip... amazing!!!
I have a ton more pictures on my FB I just didnt have the energy to post them here!
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