1. A great pair of dark jeans that make your butt look amazing and make you feel great. I love dark jeans because they are great for everyday, are super flattering and can be thrown with heels and a top to go out on the town. Whichever brand you like whether its Seven For All Mankind, Joe's Jeans or Banana Republic, every woman should invest in a good pair that will last forever and keep their shape
2. Slacks. Every woman should have the basic colors, brown or tan, black and navy. They are great for work and play. A great pair can make you feel sexy and sophisticated. I love Slacks from Express or the Limited.
3. A classic white dress shirt. Like the slacks, you can wear it to work and on a casual day too.
4. A great suit, either pants or skirt, preferably one of each. Like the slacks, a few different basic colors is best. Even one with a nice pinstripe for an added touch. You never know when an opportunity will present itself and should an interview pop up you should always be prepared. A dark suit is always appropriate and can be matched with something a little trendy to show off your personal style. In my opinion the suit should be properly tailored to fit like a glove. Its worth the extra money to make it look clean and sharp.

6. A nice wool coat, no matter where you live. 3 years ago, my mom bought me a beautiful camel colored wool and cashmere calf length coat from Banana Republic. I loved it but I thought I would never get any use out of it. Boy I couldn't have been more wrong. I've worn it every winter and I absolutely love it. Whether its a long or short coat, camel or black every woman should have one (or two!)

7. Heels. Real leather and good quality. My mom always stressed to me the importance of wearing good shoes and taking care of my feet and I never ever where cheap shoes. TJ Maxx and Marshals have great deals on good quality shoes that are super cute. I almost always get my shoes from there! Heels can be worn with jeans, work clothes and even that LBD! A great pair of black and tan or brown is definitely necessary. And those who know me, know that I am a sucker for a platform, peep toe high heel shoe!
I think having these basics can make everyday dressing and special occasion dressing easier and a little bit more interesting because all an outfit needs is a trendy top and great accessories. So stop spending a fortune on cheap clothes and invest in some good quality pieces that make you feel super sexy!
Ok, I REALLY think you should've posted a pic of your A** in some jeans! Would've been WAYYYY better than that girl up there with NO A**!!! ;0)