Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lets see how long this lasts

Time to add a Mid-years resolution... I've noticed that I've become a little attached to my blackberry.  I bbm and check Facebook when watching a movie or tv with Luis, when out to dinner with him and a lot of other times when I probably should be appreciating the very limited time I get to spend with my amazing man.  He's so amazing that he never even says anything about my constant blackberry distraction but I'm starting to feel a little guilty.  So from this day forward I am going to try to keep my phone in my purse when we are out to dinner and put it on silent when we are spending time together.  So if I don't answer you message back in as timely a matter as you are used to from me, you know now why =)


  1. LMAO!! Ok, you are right, you need to "take a break" from the crackberry sometimes, but let's be honest, I say you don't last a week! Sorry=D
    love ya!
