Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A few checks off my list

"After my fight" is a phrase I hear ALL the time, especially when it comes to anything wedding related.  Every time I bring up anything about the wedding, whether its the guest list, the catering or tuxedos, Luis' response is always the same... "after my fight".  Usually I wait just a few weeks too long and then sure enough, Luis is already training for another fight so again I hear "after my fight".


So this time, I smartened up and asked told Luis that today we were going to get a few things crossed off our wedding list, before he could go back to the gym, back to training or decide to fight again.  And to my shock he said yes without even so much as a sigh or a rolling of the eyes! SCORE!  So I thought it would be a good time to decide on the tuxedos and go pick out wedding bands.

Now Luis is definitely the "just tell me when to be there" kind of groom and while I am a little bit of a control freak, I really want Luis to at least have a say in what he was going to wear on our wedding day.  But of course, I did this in the classic women way, but making him think he was picking out what he liked which actually ended up being exactly what I wanted.  Yup.  I'll admit it, I'm that kinda girl, but hey, he was happy and I was happy so no harm done right? And these boys are gonna look super hot in their tuxes!  You can all thank me in about 11 months.

Finally, we headed to the mall to pick out wedding bands.  Now this was definitely something that was 100% up to Luis because he will be wearing this band for-ev-er and I want him to love it.  This time, without any womanly coercion, he picked out a super awesome wedding band.  Grey, and thick and manly... perfect!

Luis and I then picked out a beautiful diamond wedding band to go with my engagement ring.

So we've made some good progress on our my to-do list. Still much more to do, but I think I can handle the rest of it on my own =)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Luis Fights Again!

This past Sunday, Luis had his 5th Pro MMA fight at Soboba Casino and he won by Unanimous Decision! YAY!!! His opponent was a tough guy (who also weighed in 5 lbs overweight and was WAY bigger than Luis on fight day) but Luis used leg kicks and take downs to win the fight.  Here are a few pics of the fight, we have a ton more coming too!
Love this one!

So proud of you babe 


Tonight is THE night.  At 12:01 am I will be (along with hundreds, possibly thousands of other teens/women) sitting in the movie theater waiting to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on opening night!  I can't even explain to you how excited I am.  I have had my ticket purchased for 2 months, I have requested the days off from work and I even will be sporting my Cullen shirt (even thought I haven't officially picked a team yet).  Now, before you start getting all Judgy-wudgy on me, just remember that someday you will have an unhealthy fetish for bad fiction and tween heart throbs and I promise you I will be there to support you.  This is mine.  Why you ask? I have no idea but I love the books (I've read them at least 6 or 7 times each) and I watch the movies at least monthly.  There is just something about it that entertains me, and tonight will be no exception! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

There is nothing like a day off

Something about a day off during the week is so amazing.  No place to go, no alarm clock, nothing to do at all except whatever I want!  The house is quiet, the weather is cool and perfect and I'm sitting here naked as a jaybird, after my 12 mile bike ride, just chillin'... pretty awesome day =)  I've got plans to meet up with my friend Silvia for Starbucks (after I get dressed of course) and catching up on the last 6 weeks that shes back in Belgium visiting her family.  There is one thing that I suppose I HAVE to do, but it's definitely something that I WANT to do too... I'm gonna officially drop my deposit off for my reception venue for my wedding! YAY!  And then after that? Who knows... But I can guess its gonna be a pretty great day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wow, it's been that long?

I just realized its been about 3 weeks since I've blogged!  Time to catch up on some things that have happened since then:
- It has been 9 weeks since I've had any soda at all!
- I've lost 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks
- I've booked my church and reception area for our wedding
- Picked out DIY wedding invites
- I've also met with a florist who I just love!
- I have 2 weeks left in school!!!
- Watched Sex and the City 2 with Cassie, Heather and Victoria and had a great night =)
- May have changed my mind (AGAIN!) about our honeymoon haha
- Luis has another fight in 2 weeks

I will definitely be posting more regarding some upcoming wedding details as I check things off my list =)