Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Randomness

1. I hate cuticles.  I trim mine all the time.
2. I am very frugal.  I hate spending money on things I can do myself, like mani/pedi's and car washes.
3. I have recently begun to enjoy running.  I think it's because I never thought I could do it, and now I realize I can!
4. I am a Virgo and I can spot a fellow Virgo from a mile away!  I identified 2 Virgos this week!
5. I only like the way I look in pictures if I am photographed from my right side.  
6. My feet are always cold, no matter how hot it is outside.
7. I am a serious homebody.  A Redbox movie and fast food is my idea of a great Saturday night.
8. Every time the Black Eyed Peas come out with a new song, I don't really like it right away.  But after a few weeks, I can't get enough of it!  Imma be, Imma be, Imma Imma Imma be 
9. Unlike most people my age, I am actually looking forward to my 30's
10. I wear a toe ring and I haven't take it off since I was 12


  1. The Virgo thing cracks me up!! You know me=)

  2. HAHA! Ok here's a little info about Taurus (do you know any???)
    Taurus is the calm in the center of a storm. They can make life nearly conflict free with their ability to resolve issues. Without diluting the facts, they will massage them until they are harmonious and in balance. Do they go too far with little regard for their own personal feelings? If they are a Taurus, they just might do that. People born under the sign of Taurus tend to be very patient, practical and dedicated people. Such people are usually very cautious when dealing with people, life and money. People who were born in that time are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love.They make wonderful hosts and hostesses, and have great taste about food, and in the management of their houses they can make much out of little.
    Virtues: Patient, security loving, persistent and placid
    Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for a love relationship. It will be love at first sight, as well as, for the long term.
    Sounds like someone I know =)

  3. OMG! I am sooo hesitant to buy into this stuff but so much of that fit me to a T! weird.......
